
Conveyor belt deviation how to do

Belt conveyor belt deviation operation is the most common problems. To deal with such problems as the size of the device accuracy and attention to everyday belt - to provide

maintenance care of themselves. There are many reasons for deviation, to be based on different reasons for the difference between disposal:

1, adjust the carrying idlers groups. In the manufacture of idlers mounting holes on both sides of the growth of holes are processed in order to stop adjustments. Detailed

approach is belt tendencies which side which side idlers belt toward the forward direction of travel, or the other side after the shift. Belt upward direction of deviation is

lower roller group should be left at the move, the upper roller group move at the right.

2, the tension at the adjustments. Belt tension is adjusted at the machine deviation adjustment belt walks a very important part. Hammer at the upper two tensioning idler pulley

in addition to other than perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of the belt should be perpendicular to the vertical line of gravity, which is to ensure the degree of its

shaft centerline. Use of tensioner or hydraulic cylinder tensioning screw, the tension roller bearing should be accompanied by two pan to ensure that the drum axis and

perpendicular to the longitudinal direction of the belt. Detailed belt deviation adjustment approach similar to the drum at the adjustment.Metal detector for food

3, two-way operation of the belt walks belt adjustment deviation deviation than the one-way adjustment of the belt line is relatively difficult to many, detailed adjustments

should be adjusted in a certain direction, and then adjust the other direction. Adjustments to seriously look at the belt movement direction and deviation trends between each

stop adjustments. Emphasis should be placed on the drive pulley and bend pulley adjustments, followed by the adjustment of the roller and the material blanking point adjustment.

Curing the belt should also be note that when the belt section fitting the longitudinal direction of the force mean the introduction of the chain traction force on both sides

are equal as possible.

4, the device self-aligning roller group. Spherical roller group type, such as multiple varieties of intermediate shaft type, four-link, vertical roller type, etc. The principle

is used to obstruct or rollers rotate in the plane direction degree obstruct or lateral thrust generated from the intention of the heart reaches the belt adjustment belt

deviation purposes. Normal total length of the belt drive shorter walks or belt line bidirectional operation using this approach compared to reasonable cause is shorter walks

belt machine easier deviation and not easy to adjust. And long walks belt machine is best not to use this approach, since the self-aligning roller group using life belt use

would have some impact. Adjust the drive roller and bend pulley position. Drive roller and bend pulley belt deviation adjustment is to adjust the important part.Heat Exchanger

