FU chain conveyor series (referred to as "chain transport machine") is the introduction of advanced technology in Japan and Taiwan for the manufacture of a horizontal (or
inclined 15) conveying powder, granular materials, new products small, technically in the domestic advanced level. This product is designed, novel structure, long life,
High operational reliability, energy efficient, sealed, secure, and easy maintenance. Outperforms its use screw conveyor, buried scraper conveyor, and other transportation
equipment, is an ideal new equipment has been deeply domestic product development external users, and has been widely used in building materials, construction
, Chemical, thermal power, food processing, mining, machinery, metallurgy, transportation, port and transport industries.Heat Exchanger
FU chain conveyor features: 1. Using low-cost, energy-saving and durable, low maintenance rate, reduce consumption and improve efficiency.
(2) conveying low energy consumption, with the internal friction of materials, energy saving compared with the screw conveyor 40% to 60%.
3 seals and security, fully sealed enclosure so that dust can seamlessly drill, safe, reliable operation.
4 long life, alloy steel, heat-treated by advanced processing from the conveyor, its normal life> 3 years, the chain roller life (depending on material) 1 to 3 years.
5 conveyor length is long, horizontal conveying distance up to 60 meters or more.
6 process layout flexible and can be elevated, ground pit, climbing to install, multi-point access to materials.Metal Detector
7 throughput, allowing small-capacity space, conveying bulk materials, transport capacity 15 ~ 500m3 / h.