
Conveyor Belt common faults

In the design process should be possible to increase the relative height of two belt conveyor. In space-constrained mobile bulk material handling machinery down funnel, guide

trough and other pieces of form and size should be seriously considered. General guidance for the width of the trough belt width should be about two-thirds more appropriate. In

order to reduce or avoid the belt deviation increase blocking plate blocking materials, changing direction and position of the whereabouts of the material.flexible conveyor

Bidirectional running belt conveyor deviation adjustment bidirectional running belt conveyor belt deviation adjustment deviation than the one-way conveyor belt adjustment

relative to many difficulties, specific adjustments should be adjusted in a certain direction, and then adjust the other orientation. Adjust the belt to carefully observe the

movement direction of the relationship with the deviation trend, individually adjusted. Emphasis should be placed on the drive pulley and bend pulley adjustments, followed by

the adjustment of the roller and the material blanking point adjustment. Also note that the belt when the belt curing joint cross the longitudinal direction of the force evenly

in the use of both sides of the chain traction force equal as possible.Telescopic belt conveyor

Belt conveyors material handling scattered

Caesar conveyor belt material is a common problem, the reasons are multi-faceted. But the focus is to strengthen the daily care and maintenance.

1 reprint reprint scattering material at the point of the point spread mainly in the fall feed hopper, guide trough, etc.. If severe overload belt conveyors, belt conveyors

guide trough backgauge rubber apron damaged steel guide trough at design time far away from the belt so that the material is relatively long rubber apron out of guide trough.

The situation can be transported in the control capacity, enhance maintenance be resolved.

(2) when the concave section of the belt material spreading vacant belt concave segment interval when the radius of curvature smaller concave segment will generate vacant belt,

then the belt into a trough situation changes, because the belt has left the trough idlers, generally groove angle becomes small, so that part of the material spread out.

Therefore, as far as possible in the design phase should use a larger radius of curvature of the concave section to avoid this from happening. If the mobile mechanical ship

loader, stacker-reclaimer device in order to shorten the trailer and the concave section designed here no arc transition interval, when the belt width smaller redundancy

selection easier scattering material.

3 when the scattering material deviation belt deviation scattering material is because when the belt is running two edge height changes, while high, while the other side is low,

the low side of the material from spreading out, processing method is to adjust belt deviation.

