In the design according to working conditions, a reasonable choice of scraper chain safety factor, which selected the appropriate scraper ring chain, link chain size and style,
at the time of purchase, you should use-proven, has a good reputation comply with relevant quality standards, prohibited the use of substandard
Cell scraper chain, conditional circumstances, the best on the scraper chain necessary tests. Manufacturing enterprises to cope with ring chain, link chain using surface
peening, high load pre-stretching strengthening process, increase its surface residual stress and prevent micro-crack propagation; strengthening ring chain,
Link chain material quality control, both considering its strength, the elongation should be considered, and then through the composite toughening process, grain refinement to
organize and optimize the mechanical properties; improved chain manufacturing process, in particular to avoid the chain link in contact with the inner circular surface at the
straight edge damage, as the transitionmine conveyors
Smooth, and the inner width dimension control link on which the error range to reduce stress concentration where, slow crack occurrence; use of anti-corrosion treatment process,
improve the corrosion resistance of the scraper chain fatigue strength.industrial belt conveyor