
Bump segment radius of curvature on the impact of belt conveyor

Convex cross-section of the middle section of the belt bagging

Convex segments belt conveyor belt section often occurs in the direction of the Central bagging, both central bulge. And to make the belt discount, folded after entering bend

pulley or belt drive roller interval after the extent of damage will intensify. The main reason is bagging with discounts on the belt cross section

Central and lateral force per unit length on the value of the difference is too large, the central part of the belt slide bagging or discount. Force per unit length on the size

of the difference value and the radius of curvature of the convex sections, roller groove angle. Groove angle, the smaller the radius of curvature of the convex sections, the

more severe camber and discounts. When the skin Weight Sorter

Belt conveyor trough angle of greater than or equal to 40 degrees, even in the straight section of the belt conveyor roller head or tail groove angle transition zone bagging and

discounts can also occur at this time should be reduced groove angle or lengthen the transition interval length distance, so that the belt groove angle slow transition. For

convex segments belt transport

Machine should be possible to increase the output section of the radius of curvature convex and transmission capacity to meet the conditions of reduced roller groove angle. air to water heat exchanger

Convex segments belt snaps into flat roll and oblique rolls

Belts snap onto rolls of flat roll and helical roller situation generally occurs between the moving bulk materials transport machinery. Such as ship loaders, stackers and

reclaimers. Such equipment cantilever is bent from the root position of the boom are susceptible to this phenomenon. At this time there is also equivalent to a belt convex

segments, because

By the geometric position size restrictions, it is difficult to achieve a satisfactory transition radius of curvature of the convex segments required size, the belt is located

at the root of the cantilever if only through a set of rollers to form two convex segments occurs when the belt snap onto rolls inclined flat roll and roller. The solution is to

be here by the

The original formation of a two idlers convex sections to forty-five or more groups.

Concave segment starts bouncing and being blown migraine

Belt conveyor belt at startup if there is no material in the concave section of the belt will pop up at the interval, the belt will encounter strong winds blowing Shihai side,

therefore, the best in the concave section of the belt conveyor pulley to place additional pressure Avoid bouncing or wind belt bias.

Belt slip

Hammer tensioning belt conveyor belt slippage

Use conveyor belt tensioning device weight belt slip weight may be added to the solution, adding up to a belt does not slip.

Tensioning screw or hydraulic tensioning belt slippage

Use screw or hydraulic tensioning tensioning conveyor belt slipping when the adjustable tensioning stroke to increase tension.

