Current conveyor has been widely used by the national economy in all sectors in recent years combined open pit and underground mine conveyor transport system has become an
important part are: steel cord conveyor, rope traction belt conveyors and conveying a continuous row of abandoned farm facilities.air to water heat exchanger
These conveyors are characterized by large conveying capacity (up to 30000t / h), for a wide range (can be transported ore, coal, rock and a variety of powdered materials, under
certain conditions can also transport people), safe, reliable, high degree of automation , equipment maintenance and overhaul easy climbing capacity (up to 16 °), low operating
costs, due to shorten transport distances can save infrastructure investments.
Currently, the development trend of belt conveyors are: large transport capacity, large bandwidth, large angle, increasing the length and level of single turn, the rational use
of tape tension, reduce energy consumption, material handling, cleaning, etc. The best way to tape our country was 1978 completed the steel cord conveyor design type. steel cord
conveyor scope:Flexible Roller Conveyor
For ambient temperature is generally ° ° C; drive station in cold areas should be heating facilities; do horizontal transport, tilt upwards (16 °) and downward transport, you
can also turn transport; transport long distance transmission up to 15km single ; can open laying fortification guard or transport line can be set up through the gallery;
conveyor belt elongation ordinary about 1/5; its life longer than ordinary tape; it into a good groove; transport distance big.