Silo unloader
The conservation and storage silo container material; hopper for supplying or discharging the containers. Silos and hoppers are usually fused, sometimes also attached to the
hopper feeder. The material discharged from the hopper main problem is how to control the output volume, and the material sent to a specific location. Therefore
Silo and hopper and feeder design choice is a corresponding relationship.
The role of both the container and hopper chute many different types of materials are generally downward along the unloading direction gradually decreases its cross-section of
the cone or pyramid. Hopper outlet can be directly connected with the feeder, sometimes in the hopper outlet installed and gates as a guide chute feeding device, depending on
the material
Performance and device requirements. Since the mechanical properties of bulk solid materials, liquidity and various changes to the material in the silo and the various problems
arising in the hopper, thereby increasing the material discharged from the hopper difficulties. For example, because the Power Roller Conveyor bridges and blocked outflow caused due to
Uneven pouring or segregation arising due to the feed and discharge changes occur in the order the results. If these phenomena exist, related to this subsequent processing
Conveyor System will be affected, but not normally play the original role, resulting in unexpected problems and difficulties. Property
This difficulty is partly born designer is not the material itself, the performance and the design of the hopper discharge considerations linked together, but sometimes due to
the performance of the material being processed unpredictable (eg differences in moisture content, silt thickness changes in adhesion and segregation is difficult to predict),
Tibet also have other difficulties too long. In this case, the solution depends on the hopper discharge method other difficulties auxiliary equipment, such as mechanical
agitation, gas discharge power, electricity and vibration.
Material flow within the silo of the type
In order to design an effective storage system, the designer must know the bulk solid materials in storage problems that may arise and flow. Are summarized as follows:
Does not flow. The solid material in the formation of a stable or a hollow cylinder of material arch (i.e. mousehole), resulting flow is stopped.
Irregular flow. Transiently formed in the solid material or material arch holes, some or all of the material overhead and then slump down.
Pouring. Become fluidized powder material containing gas in the silo outlet was uncontrollable pour discharge.
Segregation. Smaller particles of the material tend to particulate material in the gap between the larger drop, resulting in the different sections of the silo on the coarse and
fine particulate material accumulation, respectively.
Can not reach design capacity. Most of the material stored securely remain in the periphery of the mousehole, is not discharged, a die material.
Material deterioration. Some materials, such as silo residence time is too long, the material itself will decompose, lumps or oxidation, which is generally the first to enter
the material and the final unloading silo material flow caused by the order, there is still a result of the material clearance Some material not unloaded from the bottom of the
Warehouse material level. If the formation of holes, material level determined by the material discharged from the silo volume is difficult, warehouse storage capacity of the
material also imprecise it.
Insufficient flow. Material through the discharge port of the volume flow and storage of gravity of the material nature of the relatively large, the dried solid material flow,
close to the maximum theoretical value; powder, the surface of the solid sticky material, then at very low speeds the flow, the flow is very small.
Zhengzhou Modern Automation Equipment Co., LTD plastic plate chain conveyor using iron bending forming, conveyor transfer method using plastic chain plate, mainly for food and beverage delivery, or forced into continuous operation tempo control, cycle time according to the product adjustment process requirements, powered by ordinary motor, electromagnetic speed motor, inverter variable speed motor, mechanical variable speed motor, speed adjustable.
Incline Belt conveyor

Incline Belt conveyor