
Plate chain conveyor structure and application

 Plate chain conveyor, fixed to the traction chain, using the number of link plates in a horizontal or inclined direction of the Turn conveyor transport of materials to form a ring

with a single sheet as articulated traction transport bearing member bearing surface and having a lateral spacer set in the groove box drive belts by septa scraping transport of


. drag chain conveyor by the drive mechanism , tensioning device , traction chains, slats , driven and headed sprockets , racks and other components. In metallurgy , coal, chemicals,

electricity, machinery manufacturing and other industrial sectors in the national economy have been widely used.
Line roller conveyors advantages:
1, the transport object length, width and height ;
2 , the weight of each conveying unit ;
3 , the bottom of the conveyance object condition;
4 , any special requirements on the work environment ( for example: humidity , high temperature, the effects of chemicals , etc. ) ;
5 , the conveyor is unpowered motor driven type or style .

