Drive means driving means , also known as drive station . The motor by the driving means to link up with the conveying head shaft , roller conveyor drive means depends on the
composition of the functions to food metal detector be achieved , typically drive means functions to be achieved :
1 reduce the speed of the drive motor speed relative to the conveyor chain running much higher speed requirements , the conveyor chain must have a speed reduction mechanism .
Reduction mechanism usually belt drive , chain drive , gear , worm gear and track drive hunger structure and so on.
2 . Mechanical speed conveyor roller conveyor chain running speed for changes within a certain range , although they may be realized by an electric hunger governor , as simple motor speed ,
motor speed will be the shortcomings of low output torque is small , so the driver device is provided with mechanical withered speed devices such as mechanical stepless
Gearbox and gearbox.
3 Tianjin security protection chain conveyor work process requires security protection and emergency braking function , safety equipment and braking equipment mostly set in a
high-speed run some drive station
Zhengzhou Modern Automation Equipment Co., LTD plastic plate chain conveyor using iron bending forming, conveyor transfer method using plastic chain plate, mainly for food and beverage delivery, or forced into continuous operation tempo control, cycle time according to the product adjustment process requirements, powered by ordinary motor, electromagnetic speed motor, inverter variable speed motor, mechanical variable speed motor, speed adjustable.
Incline Belt conveyor

Incline Belt conveyor