Problems and key technology main shaft hoisting system with powerful main problems (1) tape machine does not run smooth, easy to cause deviation Caesar coal, tape maintenance
work labor intensive. (2) tape machine deviation caused a lot of machinery accidents, reducing efficiency, increasing
Plus the cost of production, is not conducive to safety in production. (3) the system is not high degree of automation, the accident can not be timely response. (4) brake system
uses definite time delay brake technology, the disadvantage is not appropriate speed brake and brake air. Stroke artificial, empty lines
Difficult to accurately set the distance traveled, often causing the brake force at high speeds a strong impact caused mechanical failure.industrial belt conveyor
System start-up difficulties in heavy conditions, a greater impact on the power supply network. Starting process is not smooth, starting too big starting torque and easy fitting
on tape especially devastating impact.
Key technology (1) based on programmable soft-start control coding using SCR technology, PLC logic control loop to achieve a non-contact switching segments, not only to achieve
the ideal starting characteristics, but also improves system reliability .
(2) had no impact on the use of zero-speed closed-loop tape speed braking signal to achieve the closed-loop control, to ensure the system at any load conditions, the impact can
be achieved without safety brake.
(3) to enhance the real-time monitoring system for steel cord belt operating conditions, the drum and motor bearing temperature, belt speed and other parameters for real-time
monitoring, to achieve a complex hydraulic system initiative preventive maintenance, improve system reliability.pallet conveyor
Efficiency and promotion prospects for system optimization transformation, the belt speed from 3.15m / s up to 4.79m / s; traffic from 500t / h up to 1000t / h, annual capacity
reached 6.54 million t, in the case of an equal volume tape static tension has decreased by 20 percent, saving and improving life tape has a very
Significance, there are huge economic and social benefits.
System optimization using the optimization theory, a complex hydraulic system multivariable generalized multi-objective optimization model. Proposed and implemented a zero-speed
closed-loop braking, intelligent brake provides for the development of theoretical data. Hydraulic initiative proposed preventive maintenance of complex systems
Way, this project is interdisciplinary applied research, coal mine production safety is a major issue.
Further development and refinement of the belt conveyor design theory and methods to improve the transport of heavy high-speed conveyor ability to provide a theoretical basis
for the actual production of important guiding significance of this technology for the early construction of large-scale mines are important popularization and application
Production capacity to solve the transportation problems have serious mismatch of particular importance.