Is to NGW planetary gear case study, as shown. To simplify the calculations, a representative selection of pitch circle as the film thickness calculation points. NGW type (a)
equivalent radius RR = R2R1 (R2R1) (2) R1 and R2 are meshing tooth surface at two radii of curvature. To
The pitch circle radius of curvature R1 = r1sini; R2 = r2sinir1 = r1cosi; r2 = r2coscosi where r1, r2 the radius of the pitch circle of the gears; r1, r2 two gear pitch circle
radius; gear pressure angle; i two gears meshing angle.roller conveyor
Substituting into equation (2) to give R = 05mz2z1costan1 (z2z1) (3) (3) in the + sign for the center wheel a and planet wheel b, external gear, - applies to the planetary wheel
b and the center wheel c of the ring.
(2) of the lubricant entrainment velocity uu = (u1 + u2) 2 where u1, u2 two circles at the entrainment velocity; u1 = nH1r1sini30u2 = nH2r2sini30nH1, nH2 two gear mechanism in
the conversion speed.
Because nH1 = nH-n1 = nHz2z1, so u = mz2nHcostani30 (4) (3) unit load on the contact width tooth width B W3W not only by the impact, but also consider the impact of their gear
coincidence degree. W = FtBcos = 2T1diim2z21cos (5) where Ft gear transmission
Handed circumferential force; T1 pinion torque transmitted; i coincidence coefficient, ie coincidence degree rounded; di tooth width factor.
(4) minimum film thickness hmin of the formula (3), (4) and (5) into equation (1), we can obtain the minimum film thickness hmin = 03704054E-003 (0nH) 07m139z0691 (cos) 126
(z2tani) 113 (z2z1)-043T-0131 (dii) 013 (6) 2 Run
Slip state between the teeth and wear not only on the state of lubrication film thickness, but also by the tooth surface roughness. Often used as a criterion for the film
thickness ratio, i.e. = hminR2q1 + R2q2 (7) wherein Rq1, Rq2 two RMSD tooth surface contour.
Generally, when <1, two tooth surfaces in boundary lubrication; when = 13:00, two tooth surface is partially EHL state; when> 3, that does not produce tooth wear. Generally
believed that two tooth surfaces in boundary lubrication, the tooth surface will produce wear; two tooth surfaces in the Ministry of
EHL state of the tooth surface may be worn; two tooth surfaces in a completely EHL state does not produce tooth wear.Pipe conveyor
Examples SGZ8802400 face conveyor type of gear for the two involute planetary gear transmission, as shown. Known, high-speed planetary gear drive gear material 18Cr2Ni4WA steel,
input power P = 400kW, input speed n1 = 1470rmin, modulus
m = 7mm, pressure angle = 20%, external gear teeth meshing angle 1 = 235%, internal gear meshing angle = 185%, the transmission ratio i = 7.5, respectively, of the gear teeth z1
= 16, z2 = 44 , z3 = 104, the number of planet gears k = 3, tooth width B = 80mm, optional 220 industrial gear oils, trial judge
This high-speed planetary gear transmission lubrication condition.
Scraper conveyor drive unit (1) according to gear lubricants and materials available = 130510-5m2N; 0 = 0198Nsm2E = 231011Nm2 (2) parameter calculation load uniformity
coefficient Kc = 1.1 tooth width coefficients d1 = Bd1 = 80112 = 0714d2 = Bd2 = 80308 = 0260 torque T1 = 9550KcP
(Kn1) = 9528102NmT2 = 9550KcPz2 (kn1z1) = 2620103Nm (3) minimum film thickness of each parameter separately into equation (6), get two pairs of gears of minimum film thickness
hmin1 = 03704054E-003 (0nH) 07m139z0691 (cos) 126 (z2tan1)
113 (z1 + z2)-043T-0131 (d11) 013 = 2129mhmin2 = 03704054E-003 (0nH) 07m139z0692 (cos) 126 (z3tan2) 113 (z3-z2)-043T-0132 (d22) 013 = 2885m (4) lubrication and wear if the gears
were used hobbing
Or gear shaping, the tooth surface roughness value is taken Rai = 16m, a Rqi = 20m, then the formula (7) in a thickness less than 1 = 0753 <1 = 102> 1, the center wheel and a
planet wheel b two tooth surfaces in boundary lubrication, wear of tooth surfaces will be generated; while the center wheel planetary gear b and c two tooth surfaces
EHL is part of the state, the tooth surface may have worn.
If the gears were used shaving grinding processing and machining, the surface roughness of the tooth taken Rai = 04m, a Rqi = 05m, then the formula (7) in the film thickness
ratio = 301> 3, = 408> 3, the two pairs of gear tooth surfaces are in a state of complete EHL, no tooth wear.
Conclusion scraper conveyor planetary gear tooth surface wear their state of lubrication which is closely related, through the scraper conveyor planetary gear transmission oil
film thickness and film thickness ratio calculation, you can determine the lubrication of the transmission status and whether an abrasion, which
The drive parameter design, the choice of lubricants and gear materials and processing technology to determine a practical guide for the scraper conveyor planetary gear drive
abrasion design provides the necessary theoretical basis.