Buried scraper conveyor arranged in the form of options based on the inlet and outlet ports of the location, select a reasonable arrangement of buried scraper conveyor, buried
scraper conveyor to determine the length and inclination, and should meet the different arrangement of the single device length restrictions and requirements. Main technical
parameter determination (including machine slot width, carrying machine slot height, scraper chain speed and installation angle, etc.) calculated according to production
requirements selection, determine the specific type width, carrying machine slot height, scraper chain speed. The formula: Q0 = 3600 * B * H * ν * ηQ0 - calculate throughput,
m3 / h; B - machine slot width, m; H - host machine slot height, m; ν - scraper chain speed, m / s; η - transport efficiency,%; while requiring the calculated values satisfy
Q0 Q0 ≥ Qmax where Qmax - maximum throughput requirements, m3 / h; ① machine slot width, carrying machine slot highly granular material is a combination of characteristics and
yield requirements to choose. ② scraper chain should be based on the running speed of the material properties, conveying principle, structural features, power consumption, long industrial conveyor
life and process requirements to the selected range, the general range of choice scraper chain velocity of 0.08-1.00 m / s between. For suspension, larger abrasive materials
(such as rock phosphate, cement, quartz sand, etc.), and there are certain requirements for the fragmentation rate of the material (such as rice, urea granulation, etc.), select
a lower conveyor speed recommended ; For cereals (such as wheat, corn, soybeans, etc.) and light materials (such as wood, bamboo, sawdust, etc.), select a higher speed
recommended; For other materials, the general operating speed of the scraper chain selection 0.2 -0.25 m / s between. ③ Select the main conveyor efficiency and related material
mine conveyors
properties, but also consider the scraper chain speed, scraper chain type, machine tank size and conditions of use, the tilt factor and other factors.