
Conveyor belt temperature Protection Act introduced

Roller and belt conveyor belt friction , its temperature measuring instrument , proximity detection roller mounted devices ( transmitters ) issued over-temperature signal , the

received signal is received 90 degree turn conveyor by the three -second delay as part of the implementation of the action , cutting off the motor power supply, automatic conveyor stop switch , played a Thermal protection.
Head and mining conveyor coal level protection . If a conveyor operation or an accident can not be blocked or coal bunker is full , parking lots or other reasons , the head of

the pile 90 degree conveyor of coal , coal- contact position sensor corresponding position DL and coal , coal bit to take immediate action to protect the circuit, so that biography

Conveyor belt stops immediately . Then continue to the coal face , the back end of the heap of coal transported by the station in the rotation after the occurrence of an

appropriate stop until the loader automatically stop running .
Each type of conveyor should be in the right place , multi- belt will easily break . At this time, we should pay attention to maintenance .
Mine belt conveyor belt , if it fails, for example, the motor burned, damaged mechanical transmission parts , belt or chain broke , belt slippage , the belt is installed on the

unexpected magnetic switch passive components can not be turned off or the Secretary is not closed, then the normal speed

Control .

